Sleep Stories to Fall Asleep Fast

Ghost Stories for Bedtime by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Do you want to fall asleep quickly? Try these spooky ghost stories by Charles Dickens! Best known for A Christmas Carol and his other novels, discover these hidden gems, including The Signal-Man and The Trial for Murder! Read in a relaxing whisper or calm reading style, these stories will help you get to sleep no time.

The Signal-Man:
Set against the backdrop of a lonely railway cutting, "The Signal-Man" follows a traveler who encounters a signalman plagued by recurring, inexplicable premonitions. As the story unfolds, it becomes a chilling exploration of fate, perception, and the haunting power of the past.

The Trial for Murder:
"The Trial for Murder" takes readers into a courtroom drama where a man stands accused of a heinous crime. However, as the trial unfolds, it becomes apparent that there are supernatural elements at play, blurring the lines between the earthly and the otherworldly.

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